Transform Our World Nor Cal Intercessors Thursday Prayer Call

It Is God's Time for You - He Will Show His Power Through Your Weakness



God is a God of miracles and He has not forgotten about you!  In this episode I give an update of how God came through for us when our backs where up against a wall most recently, then I exhort you to get some of the same. He is a God of abundance, What you feel is your greatest liability, that thing the enemy tells you will destroy you, that very thing is what God wants to use to catapult you into your destiny. This is what the apostle Paul meant when he wrote ““My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’.” Trust Him. Ask for a miracle and expect His power to manifest through your weakness! If you don't have enough strength to ask for the miracle you need, contact me go to my facebook page or linked in and send me a message. Or send a message through the anchor podcast app. If you leave you phone number I will call you back and pray for you. God is a God of miracles, he has come through for us and he will come through for you if you reach out and trust him. We are filled w