By The Mash Tun

20 - Gose



Existing for centuries, the traditionally sour and salty style of beer from the Goslar region in Germany has recently started making a huge impact in the beer world. A Gose gives a savoury edge to your biting sours and can give a depth of flavour that quick kettle sours can lack, and pairs excellently with a vast array of different fruit flavours. As part of a new partnership with our favourite homebrew supplier The Malt Miller you can find the recipe and buy the ingredients needed to make this beer yourself by following this link As usual, we brew one ourselves, talk about the style and our recipe, before trying out these commercial examples: Double-Barrelled - Red Jungle Fowl Left Handed Giant - Parts Unknown Wild Beer Co - Sleeping Limes We also managed to find a bottle of Anchor Steam that we somehow managed to miss on our "Steam Beer" episode.