Hard Facts

Why You’ll See More DuckDuckGo Traffic in Your Campaigns - Censorship & Search



Ever check the placements report on your ad campaigns to see where your ads are showing up? If so, you may have recently noticed a new site popping up over and over again-- DuckDuckGo. As a search engine, DuckDuckGo has spent its existence in the shadow of behemoth's Google, Yahoo, Bing and even others. While there's nothing actually new about the site, it's been around for a decade, there is a new wave of interest in what it's offering. What makes this site so different? The way it approaches the privacy of it's users-- a weak point of it's larger competitors. DuckDuckGo DOES NOT collect personal or search data! This is a major asset to many and as business owners and advertisers, we need to prepare for what that change in our audience traffic means. There are a few things you need to be sure to set up through DuckDuckGo and their newest partner, Apple (ever heard of 'em?), in order to ensure you're as visible as possible to your audience. I'm breaking down exactly what you need to be doing in this week's Ha