Everything Hertz

80: Cites are not endorsements (with Sean Rife)



We chat with Sean Rife, who the co-founder of scite.ai (https://scite.ai), a start-up that combines natural language processing with a network of experts to evaluate the veracity of scientific work. Here's what we cover and links for a few things we mention * What is scite.ai? * The Winnower (https://thewinnower.com) * Why is there no good (and free) plagiarism detector? * Grobid (https://grobid.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Introduction/) - A machine learning library for extracting, parsing and re-structuring PDFs * Meta-analysis can prop up flawed bodies of literature * The "Too meta (https://xkcd.com/1447/)" XKCD cartoon * What’s the end game for scite? * The 80,000 hours game (https://80000hours.org/articles/can-you-guess/) * Spooner (http://spooner.lyceum.ws), a utility that allows authors of scientific publications to make their work available to the general public (probably) without violating publishing agreements Other links - Sean on twitter (www.twitter.com/seanrife) - Dan on twitter (www.twitter.com/dsq