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Winning is a Choice (Here’s How To Do It!) with Tom Ziglar



My guest is Tom Ziglar. Among many things, Tom is the proud son of Zig Ziglar. He's also a bestselling author and international speaker. Listen To The Podcast: Resources: Interview: Mitch Matthews: Tom is also now the CEO of the Ziglar Corporation. Tom joined the Ziglar Corporation in 1987, but he started at the bottom. In fact, he started in the warehouse and routed through sales that went on to management then moved into leadership. He also speaks around the world and hosts the wildly popular Ziglar Show podcast. So you should check that out. He carries on that Ziglar philosophy. "You can have everything in life you want if you just help enough other people get what they want." I love that. That was a life-changing quote for me. His new book coming out is called Choose to Win: Transform your Life, One Simple Choice at a Time. When I heard about it, I knew I wanted to have Tom on the show because he's the real deal and he's all about getting you strategies that actually work. So let's get to this. T