Transform Our World Nor Cal Intercessors Thursday Prayer Call

Special Prayers for Rhonda, Nancy, Ben Medel and for the Nations



This episode is the recording of a call where Mary Rose and Ted Hahs prayed for Rhonda, Nancy , Ben and others. We also prayed for Dorothy and Ida and others. The presence of the Lord came and began to show us his redemptive purposes behind our current afflictions. 2 Corinthians 4:17 "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that that is beyond comparison" came to alive and we could see the redemptive glory God was going to work in each of their lives. God is pouring out his spirit upon all flesh. He will visit an entire people, he will use the elders to bring revival to our land, a partnership between the elders and the young people. This outpouring of his spirit will have evidence of sign wonders and miracles, including financial miracles and everything else. Now is God's time, let's go for it.