Transform Our World Nor Cal Intercessors Thursday Prayer Call

In this short episode, Ted Hahs and Jeff Taylor pray for Dick Renard for his back to be healed



If you read the biblical account of the early believers, it is very clear that 1) The Holy Spirit was very real to them, he was a player in the story as real as Peter, Paul, Steven, Jesus. He was a person and an independent actor. 2) He was the x-factor. Like having Labron James on your pick up basketball team, he was the game changer. Christianity without the HS is really nothing, it is like an empty coke bottle, there's nothing there. In the words of Paul "its a form of godliness but devoid of power." Every one says they have the holy spirit, so what is the biblical test that the Holy Spirit is with you? By your fruits you will know them. What did Jesus submit as the proof that he was who he said he was? Believe because of my works, that's what differentiated him and he challenged us and promised us 'Whoever believed in me will do the works I have done and even greater works than these they will do." The Holy Spirit is the X factor, the proof that he is with us is that he does what no human can do. This is