Inspiring Lives With Penny Rackley

Podcast 10: Redeeming Dogs – Understanding and Enjoying Your Pet with Certified Dog Trainer Tod McVicker



  — Click here to listen — Do you have difficulty enjoying your dog and keeping its behavior under control? How can we train our dogs with respect, understanding and some kindness? In this episode, Certified Dog Trainer Tod McVicker reveals the three things that matter most to dogs, and how we can effectively co-exist with them (without being a jerk). Tod is a certified dog trainer, and has been training dogs professionally for ten years. He has served on the board of directors for the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP), and is currently one of their ambassadors. I asked Tod to visit with us, because I know that many of you have dogs and love your dogs, but also have some difficulty in controlling their behavior. If that sounds like you, then Tod is your guy, and in this podcast he shares some insights and hard-won experience that’ll help us. Tod came to our home and trained our dog a few years ago, and after just one meeting, he had all of us eating out of his hand. He re