Random Thoughts With Nicole L. Turner




Multipotentialite: A multipotentialite is someone with many interests and creative pursuits. Multipotentialites have no one true calling the way specialists do. Multi-passionate/multipotentialite/multi-faceted are all interchangeable terms. It’s okay to be a multi-passionate person in a niche’ happy world. Many people say, focus on ONE thing and be the expert in that one thing. Yes, that’s great advice for some, but not for all – not for those of us who are multi-passionate.  Up until recently, I was very frustrated, and actually felt like a failure because everyone kept encouraging me to follow ONE course until successful, and my brain just could not focus on one thing because my interests and talents weren’t in just one thing. So to my fellow multipassionate/multi-faceted/multipotentialites out there I want to say to you, “You don’t have to choose just one because you were never meant to.” I want to offer some tips for the multipotentialites like me: Stop trying to pick that one thing. You have many passion