Gig Mindset

Why The Gig Economy Is At The Tipping Point



Why do you work? No matter where you work or what you do, there are generally two options to answer that question: either necessity or desire. It's even true for freelancers. There's a narrative around freelancing that says people freelance because it's exactly what they desire. Sometimes that's true, but there is an increasing number of freelancers that are also doing it out of necessity to survive.The workforce is rapidly changing, and many companies are looking for new, innovative ways to get work done on-demand with the added bonus of cost savings. At the same time, many individuals are looking for ways to work flexible hours, when they want, and where they want. Both of these reasons are why the gig economy is flourishing and transforming work. On today's episode of Gig Mindset, I interview the CEO of Upwork, the world's largest platform for freelancers and clients: Stephane Kasriel. In this episode, Stephane walks us through how the global marketplace and the definition of "work