Happy, Sad, And Grateful: A C-section Mom's Journey Through Motherhood

001| My C-Section Birth Story



Unfortunately not all births are the magical and romantic experiences that they are portrayed to be. Having a difficult birth can make a mom feel isolated and ashamed of unresolved emotions, especially because society often dismisses any sad feelings by saying, "all that matters is you have a healthy baby." In this episode, Raisa tells her own birth story to her first daughter who was delivered by cesarean. Through her experience, she explains how having a healthy baby is the priority, but a woman's birth experience does still matter. Resources that she mentions include: Evidence Based Birth - The blog articles give scientific summaries of several hot topics in the birth world. This is the #1 resource Raisa recommends to expecting moms. Preggie Pals Podcast - A great, unbiased podcast that presents several different perspectives on pregnancy. Whether you are traditional or crunchy or figuring out what type of mom you want to be, this podcast is great. What to Expect When You're Expecting - A classic book wit