Super Nerd Pals

Wonderful! 02: Memories & Blockbuster



Episode 2 of Wonderful! A Celebration of Pokemon Snap is here! Andy and I wax nostalgic on our first memories with the game, and reminisce about the days when we could print out our own in-game pictures at a Blockbuster/Pokemon Snap sticker kiosk. Rest in peace, Blockbuster Video. Special thanks to Jen Cappelli (@JeninRGB on Twitter) for creating the show's artwork, Allissoon Lockhart (@CelticTampon on Instagram) for allowing the use of her cover of "Professor Oak's Lab" for our intro, and Michael Foxx (ambassadorfoxx on Bandcamp) for the use of his cover of "Course Selection" for our outro. Wonderful! shares a feed with other Nerd Pals Network shows 'Super Nerd Pals' and 'Kingdom Hearts and Other Stuff'. Just search for "Super Nerd Pals" on your platform of choice to find all of our shows. You can follow Zak and Andy on Twitter at @zacharyplyons and @SweetJusticeOne respectively.