Off The Hookah With Phil And Cooper

Episode #093: Who’s Controllin’ the Golan



With less than two weeks away until Israel’s general election, President Trump met with Prime Minister Netanyahu, and made a proclamation to recognize the Golan Heights as Israeli territory. You might have a lot of questions - where are the Golan Heights, what makes it so important, and who does it belong to? Phil and Cooper discuss this and more in this week’s episode. New heights of irresponsibility over the Golan (Akiva Eldar) Pompeo in Jerusalem, bearing gifts for Netanyahu (Danny Zaken) How Trump's Golan decision will further frustrate Mideast peace process (Laura Rozen) Republicans push to lock in Trump’s shift on Golan Heights (Bryant Harris) Russia weighs in on Trump’s Golan Heights decision (Max Suchkov) Extra Listening: Episode #34, Quds You Be More Wrong? (12/13/2017): Phil and Cooper discuss President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Music: Carthago - “Hanen” (Spotify | iTunes | Bandcamp)