Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

Helping Your Kids to Dream! With Mitch Matthews



Helping Your Kids to Dream I'm Mitch Matthews and welcome to DTD. Today we’re going to digging into a wildly important subject: How to inspire our kids to dream! Listen To The Podcast: Resources: Mitch’s Book: IGNITE Video Mitch did with his sons early on: A recent short film written, directed and produced by Ben and Alex: Transcription: I had a conversation with a DREAM THINK DO listener who had reached out and wanted to chat, wanted to connect. This morning we had an awesome conversation and, almost instantly, we just dropped into it because, hey, in the DREAM THINK DO family, we're in it together, and I could tell something was heavy on his heart, something that he wanted to dive into and, almost instantly, we went there, and that was ... He just let me know that he just ... He had three daughters, and it was just heavy on his heart to help them dream. There were so many layers to this conversation because I think, in some part, if we're being honest, he was a little concerned if he was modeling