Live Moog Mod. Session [ep.1 Redurx]ealized By Frank Ferrante

Very Important Piece of the Puzzle - 1929 magazine article describing the world of 2029 [Alan Watt]



discussion of Lord Birkenhead's 1929 magazine article describing the world of 2029. Incidentally, 2029 also happens to be the year identified by chief transhumanist propagandist Ray Kurzweil as the year in which the "Singularity" is to occur. Alan Watt - Nothing New Under The Sun Topics discussed: July182007 Encouragement of each individual to be concerned only with immediate environment - Cut-off from bigger picture - Withholding of data, promotion of trivia. Nothing is given to public that might upset the system - Topics of debate, entertainment, information. Monitoring of public and all buying and selling. Francis Bacon's "New Atlantis" - Nuclear Energy - Atomist organizations of Ancient Greece - ATOM=ADAM (Microcosm). Psychological Warfare - Giving up before anything starts. Elitist Utopia run by intellectuals - Rosicrucians - Pyramid schemes. Hereditary nobility - Lords - Wigs (curls-degrees) -- Feb. 1929 magazine article (listen to blurb for article source) --