Sugar Mom By Robin Marshall

2: The Diary of a Sugar Mom: Don't Tell the Kids Chapters 1 - 6



It's my pleasure to continue my series of readings from my book, The Diary of a Sugar Mom: Don't Tell the Kids. I'm presenting my book, which is the foundation on which the SugarMom website, Facebook Page and Sugar Mom Podcast are built upon. I call this book a work of "faction," which is fiction, based on any number of truths.As we continue the story of my main character, Dora, you'll discover the foundation of her sexuality and her willingness to try new things to please her partners. You'll also learn how she uses her skills as a seductress in order to take care of her five kids.The question I want you to ponder is how far would YOU go to make sure your kids are provided for? What would you do to make sure they have the shoes and other items of apparel to fit in with their classmates and peers? What would you do to pay the household bills when your husband isn't able or willing to bring home the bacon? What kind of confidence would you need to find and from where would you pull?I welcome your comments and