Shattered Conception

10. Maternal Mental Health with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Hillary Goldsher



My guest is licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Hillary Goldsher with a private practice in Beverly Hills, California. Dr. Goldsher’s areas of expertise include trauma and grief, depression, anxiety, eating disorders and relationship counseling. Additionally, she specializes in the arena of maternal mental health—helping women and their families cope with miscarriages/stillbirths, postpartum depression and parenting/couple challenges post birth. On this podcast we discuss her late term miscarriage while on vacation and how her personal journey of pregnancy loss has solidified her commitment to improving mental health outcomes for women who have suffered from pregnancy losses of any kind as well as supporting women going through assisted reproductive technology (IVF). Dr. Goldsher believes that healing comes from a willingness to deeply experience, explore, and feel one’s emotions that are related to both present and past circumstances. Unexamined feelings can often lead to unwanted or painful symptoms. The pro