Your Adrenal Fix With Dr Joel Rosen

Your Adrenal Fix Podcast 15: “Adrenal Fatigue, Stress, GI Health, and The Benefits of Hydrogen Water”



In this edition of Your Adrenal Fi, I talk Wth Dr Paul Barattiero ND, CNHP, CHS, C.Ped, about the relationship of stress, GI health, and hydrogen water. Some of the benefits of hydrogen water included: Some Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen: Reduction of oxidative stress and Inflammation. Regulation of over 200 Biomolecules in the body. Stimulates … Your Adrenal Fix Podcast 15: “Adrenal Fatigue, Stress, GI Health, and The Benefits of Hydrogen Water” Read More » The post Your Adrenal Fix Podcast 15: “Adrenal Fatigue, Stress, GI Health, and The Benefits of Hydrogen Water” appeared first on The Truth About Adrenal Fatigue.