
S02EP03 -2 July 2018 - Choices



I knew I would survive if I lived under my parents’ roof until I was married, however, deep down I knew I wouldn’t thrive. I wanted the same experiences my friends were having. It wasn’t just about the alcohol and drugs, although there was plenty of them around and they were mostly good fun. It was about first times, first partners, first shared house, first cooked meal at home, first electricity bill, first bitching session about our flatmate who left the kitchen a mess. Choices of Maha Sidaoui Maha has been writing for over thirty years. First it was letters, then lyrics and later stories. Maha has a love for words and writes stories to search her childhood and early years for whatever it was that made her the person and writer that she has become. The first chapter of her manuscript, One Arabian Girl, was shortlisted for the Deborah Cass Prize. She is currently working on her second big story that has everything to do with family, facing up to big truths and Salman Rushdie. You ca