
S02EP01 - 4 June 2018 - The Sacrament



I only ever saw Dad go to church for weddings and funerals, and I asked him once, “but why do you believe in all that?” The Sacrament by Aprill Allen My father died of a brain tumour at 69 years old in the January of 2016. He was admitted to hospice on a Thursday and died the Friday of the following week. Nobody really talks about the process of dying and what those who will go on living can expect to see. This is one moment from those 8 days. Aprill is a freelance management consultant and content writer, a volunteer board member, a parent and a creative writing major at the University of Melbourne. You can find Aprill on her website, Twitter, and Instagram.     Acknowledgements: Memoria is written,  produced, edited and presented by Nat V. Aprill Allen's short story, The Sacrament, is performed by Aprill. The story is edited by Jen Farrow. Music in this episode is by Blue Dot Sessions,   "Last Lights" and "Sunset on Sandy Isle". Illustrations by Peta Manning. Her