Write Life Podcast With Kim Klassen

17. 51 Tiny Good Things



so this is 51 !?! who knew? when I was in my 20’s I’d answer our front door and ‘they’d ask’ is your mom home? (that bugged me) when I was thirty…i was often told you look so young. (i kinda liked that) when I turned forty…I still felt/looked quite young (for 40) (i REALLY liked that) somewhere after that, life caught up …. I’ve had some resistance to aging…. yet…. all of me…. has lived…all of this…. and I’m still showing up…. A few years into my forties….a lot happened. My son discovered alcohol, then drugs. that was the beginning of 11+ years of fear and turmoil…. then came the big C John was diagnosed with Leukaemia…. and who knew … 6 years later…. we’d still be trying to figure his illness out. I’ve been feeling some pretty intense birthday blues. ‘is this where I thought I’d be?’   ‘i had so many goals…. then life came along with its own plan.’ If it was up to ‘my plan’…. things would have been so different. but that’s not the way it goes. As I write this and ponder that…. I realize… I’m probably not al