Shattered Conception

11. High Risk Pregnancies, Managing Pregnancy After Loss and Prenatal Care with Obstetrician and Gynecologist Dr. Paula Shulman



My guest on episode 11 is Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Dr. Paula Shulman. Her office is located in Santa Monica, California and she has hospital privileges at Providence Saint John’s Hospital and UCLA. She practices the full breadth of women’s healthcare and strives to use shared decision making whenever possible. She is a supporter of VBAC and vaginal delivery of twins, and encourages her patients to use both Eastern and Western medicine to achieve their fertility goals. She also specializes in menopause. Dr. Shulman shares how she had 2 harrowing traumatic births of her own and how her personal experiences have helped her be a more compassionate and thoughtful doctor. She also shares how she discovered her passion and career path in obstetrics and gynecology. Dr. Shulman screens her patients for postpartum mood and anxiety disorders during pregnancy and after the delivery. She encourages women to come up with their "birth preferences" (instead of a "birth plan) and works closely with her patients througho