Harness The Pain

Former Major League Baseball Pitcher Mike Adams



Former Major League Baseball Pitcher Mike Adams is our guest on Chapter 6 of HTP. You’ll quickly discover that Mike is a really good guy. You’ll hear over the course of our conversation that it took far more than God given talent for Mike to pitch professionally for 14 years. Regardless of whether you’re a baseball fan, Mike’s story is filled with lessons that can be applied in and out of sports. Lessons that include listening, learning, adapting, overcoming, perseverance, belief in oneself and many more.  I truly appreciate you investing some of your time to listen to this chapter of Harness The Pain. If it speaks to you, please leave us a review, subscribe and share. If you have questions or suggestions, including topics for future shows, please shoot us an email at info@harnessthepain.com You can find us on Instagram and Twitter @harnessthepain Feel free to visit our website harnessthepain.com, As always, we encourage you to harness the pain in your life And for you to encourage others to do the same Thank