Cool Weird Awesome With Brady Carlson

Australia’s Biggest Little Spelling Error



Australians have been laughing, cursing, sighing and facepalming over a misspelled word on the newest printing of the Australian $50 dollar note. They left out an I in the word “responsibility,” and no one in the country is apparently missing the irony of misspelling that particular word and not catching it until 46 million of them had been sent out into the financial world.  Creating currency is a complex process, so it’s only natural that there are flaws. Most of the errors get caught before being sent into circulation. But not always. Plus: the best kind of money is found money - unless you're in Grand Haven, Michigan, where a guy who dropped $30,000 in cash is expecting that you return it.  Huge typo spotted on new $50 note ( Bank alerted to Joyce coin risk (The Herald of Dublin)  Error Is Human, Pt. 1: Certifiable U.S. Paper Money Errors (Coin Week) "Bugs Bunny"  (Franklin Lover)  People rush to grab whirling cash after $30,000 falls off back of truck (MLive)  Ba