Business News Wales Podcasts

Ep 10 - Business Weekly From Business News Wales



In this week’s Podcast... Swansea University have been named the UK’s top university in a recent student poll. We spoke to Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Boyle to find out what this means for the institution. Established over 100 years ago and employing over 110 professional staff, with an annual turnover of approximately 7.5 million, financial services firm Broomfield Alexander has now been acquired by Baldwins. In a move that will position the firm as a major player in the business advisory sector in Wales, we spoke to Managing Director Ian Thomas to find out more. A network aimed at supporting women in Wales to progress in the technology sector has been launched in Cardiff. The initative has been created by the team behind the digital festival, Innovation Point and headline sponsors Go Compare. To tell us more about Digital Women Wales, we spoke to Sam Wheeler. The University of South Wales has recently joined a Wales-wide collaborative research project that is set to encourage industries to embrace photon