No Regrets Podcast With Kate

Malia Pickard: Founder & Creator of Moon & Ivy



Since the age of 16, Malia has started seven successful businesses, the most recent is Moon & Ivy. Today, she wears many hats: entrepreneur, mom, wife, military spouse and recently, corporate marketing director. Listen to learn how she manages it all.  Malia is not one to open up publicly but in this episode, she opens up about her very real experience with the corporate wage gap, how she found herself trying to be “perfect” and what helped her relieve her depression and anxiety: CBD. At the young age of 31, her story is incredible. She’s driven and has always created her own opportunities. Malia is a true inspiration on how to manifest your dreams. In her words, “I don’t think I’ll regret being brave and going for my dream”. GIVEAWAY: Malia has offered our listeners products from Moon & Ivy to one lucky winner. Be sure to listen to find out how to win!  IG: @moonxivy