Dave Kinchen Tonight

Recreational Marijuana in New Jersey? Opponents Speak Out in Part 1 on "Dave Kinchen Tonight"



TONIGHT: New Jersey is moving closer to becoming the next state in the union to legalize recreational marijuana after Gov. Phil Murphy and state lawmakers found agreement on what could be a $42 tax per ounce and how to create a state regulating body that will oversee the Garden State's share of a $50+ billion market. There is, of course, plenty of debate for those both supporting legalization and those opposed. Part 1 of this series looks at the arguments against New Jersey legalization. Dave Kinchen talks with Point Pleasant Beach, NJ Mayor Stephen Reid, who is also the executive director of Responsible Approaches to Marijuana Policy in NJ. Part 2 will speak with supporters and will be available on podcast later this week. *Please pardon the Talkshoe technical difficulties on this episode.