The Quantum Communicator

Maximum Mental Health with Aleks George Srbinoski



No matter who you are and what you do, chances are that you struggle to just "be well."  Whether it's trying to find that "deep" happiness or fulfillment, getting motivated, maintaining a healthy weight, getting enough sleep, or managing stress, "life" itself has its challenges. That's why I am so delighted to be joined by Aleks George Srbinoski, to learn about how we can learn about his "principles for healthy living" through his newest book, Maximum Mental Health: Overcome Depression, Anxiety, and other Mental Health Illnesses with 20 Principles for Happier Living. Aleks is a #1 Bestselling author, speaker and multidisciplinary psychologist focusing on mental health, success, happiness and entrepreneurship.  One thing that I really like about his work is that it's easy to understand with very actionable items.  No matter who you are, you'll greatly benefit from his books and his work. Listen in to find out how you can overcome life's difficulties and struggles and find happier living and more well being