Seanwes Podcast

425: Put in Your 10 Years: The Long Game



Is your success taking longer than you'd like it to? Are you experiencing nothing but failures and setbacks? How many years does it take to make it? Many of the most prominent examples of success you're familiar with came just on the other side of more failures than you're probably willing to endure. From Disney, with nothing but failures and setbacks for the first 10 years, to Seth Godin, with 900 rejection letters in a row and being on the verge of bankruptcy for 8 years. How willing are you to put in the time and show up consistently? Are you committed enough to put in your 10 years? There is a lot of nuance to this topic—for instance, there is something to be said about knowing when to quit. But that's what makes a podcast such a good format for a discussion like this. As John Maxwell says, "I changed my question from, 'How long will it take?' to 'How far can I go?'"