St Joseph Catholic Church Podcast

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Homily with Fr. Daniel Kelley



28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Homily with Fr. Daniel Kelley. “All things are possible for God.” Jesus follows a series of challenging pronouncements with this line—some of the most consoling words that he utters in the Gospels. As we celebrate Mass today, recall the times that you have had to rely on God because you didn’t know if you could manage on your own. For us human beings on our own, it may well be impossible, but for God, all things are possible. Solomon makes a wise decision in today’s first reading, choosing wisdom over power or riches. He realizes that those things are temporary, whereas wisdom is lasting. In the Gospel, Jesus teaches the rich man the same lesson, noting the incompatibility of wealth and the kingdom of God. This is our challenge today. How are our temporary possessions obstacles to our mission and ultimate goal? Can the “two-edged sword” that the writer of Hebrews invokes separate what lasts from what doesn’t?