St Joseph Catholic Church Podcast

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time with Fr. Daniel Kelley



22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time with Fr. Daniel Kelley. As we gather on this Labor Day weekend, we are reminded at this Mass that God seeks out and upholds the lowly of this world. Our psalm refrain sings, “God, in your goodness, you have made a home for the poor,” and our Gospel says, “The one who humbles himself will be exalted.” Let us give praise and thanks to God today for all who labor, whatever their rank or position, and pray for all who need work. And let us pray for the grace of humility for ourselves. Join us every weekend for one of our weekend masses. St Joseph Catholic Church is located at 1927 SW Green Oaks Blvd in Alringont, TX. Check our website at #stjoe88 #stjosephcatholicchurch #frdanielkelley