Think Hope Podcast

How to move from Despair to Hope



With the suicide rate on the rise it is clear that many people are living in despair.  Hopeologist Dr. Rosalind Tompkins will share seven steps that will help you or a loved one move from a place of hopelessness to hopefulness. It is from the place of hope that you can find lasting solutions to any challenge that you may be facing.  These seven steps have been proven from Hopeologist Rosalind's personal experience as well as the experience of others who have moved from despair to hope.  The Hope Squad will also weigh in and share their experiences in using the seven steps.  On today's episode we will explore the following seven steps in detail. Determine the Cause of the Despair.Confirm with Someone that you trust.Plan your Strategy.Set your Goals, See yourself completing your plan, Believe that you can.Focus your Life on Reaching your Goals.Pray and ask God for Help.Reach out to People who Believe in your Potential and are willing to Empower you to Succeed. Hopeologist Rosalind is a Hope Life Coach who can e