Think Hope Podcast

HOPE the Power of Envisioning



Happy Hope Universe Day! At the top of today's Hope Report, Hopeologist Dr. Rosalind Y. L. Tompkins shares about the process of envisioning.  There is power in imagining and visualizing a future filled with happiness, accomplishments, success and dreams coming true.  Dreams do come true everyday but do you sometimes feel like the blessings are passing you by?  If so, learn how to see a better future and walk into the greatness that God has prepared just for you. In the sesond half of the show, Dr. Rosalind and the Hope Squad share hope reports of good things that are happening.  It's great to hear good news when all around us there are calamities and hopelessness.  Listen in and share your on hope report by calling in and joining the conversation. For more information about the Hope Movement please visit