Dema Live

How To Set And Attain Your New Year Goals



In this addition of DEMA Live we sit down with Doctors Hillary Stokes and Kim Ward, founders of “Authenticity and Associates “, to discuss the importance not only in setting a New Years Goal but also how you can achieve it through having the proper mindset! Together the doctors have teamed for over 20 years pioneering a collaboration of both traditional and complementary medical approaches to synergistic power of mind, body, and spirit. DEMA will bring you another in a long list of first in this industry as we will be LIVE and screening phone calls as the good doctors help provide you with the best advice on how you can achieve all of your goals in 2015. So whether you call in, or just listen be sure you don’t miss out in participating in the discussion that will have the Private Service Professionals across the country talking together about topics important to you!