Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

Toshiba's Nuclear Meltdown



Sara Barczak, High Risk Energy Director, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy As program director for high risk energy choices, Sara provides extensive outreach and support to concerned citizens, organizing partners, the media, and decision-makers and participates in legislative, state and federal regulatory forums on issues concerning nuclear energy, public safety, utilities and the impacts of power plants and our energy infrastructure on the region’s water resources. Sara managed our coastal office in Savannah, Georgia, which opened in 2000 after the former Georgians for Clean Energy hired her in 1999. She participated in a U.S./Russian exchange with non-governmental organizations in Russia impacted by plutonium bomb fuel (MOX) programs, including travel to Russia. Sara has worked for nearly twenty years in diverse environmental fields in the private and non-profit sectors: as an environmental contractor for Department of Defense facilities relating to hazardous waste and air quality issues and as a citizen’