Native Trailblazers

Native Actor Casting Director Rene Haynes & The Education Discussion Continues



Tonight we'll be talking with Native Actor casting Director Rene Haynes. She has cast for Dances with Wolves and other notable films. Tonight well talk about the upcoming HBO Series' call for Native Actors on the Lewis and Clark story - tune in for info! Also we'll continue our conversation on Education from last week.  She:kon and Thanks for joining Native Trailblazers!  The award-winning Native themed online radio show. Listen in Every Friday at 7pm EST with hosts Vincent and Delores! Join us live in our chat room - Here's How  Website & Mailing list:   Vincent Schilling (Journalist, Author, VP Schilling Media, Inc.) Delores Schilling (CEO, Schilling Media, Inc.) Google+  Native American Community - Here