Talking Motorcycles With Barry Boone

Talking Motorcycles with Kyle Petty and Craig Vetter



Kyle Petty-Kyle joins us to discuss the Kyle Petty Charity Ride for 2014. The 2014 KPCR is the 20th anniversary of the event and the first time the riders will go coast to coast. We will discuss the logistics of a 200+ rider coast to coast ride, the Victory Junction Camp created to honor his son Adam and much more. Craig Vetter-Inventor and aerodynamic genious Craig Vetter will join us to discuss his amazing career in the motorcycle industry. Inventor of the Vetter Fairing, Triumph Hurricane and much more, this will be an inside look at what drives the man who is focused on creating aerodynamic motorcycles and increasing fuel economy for us all.  Donny Bargmann-In this episode we will honor a man whose voice became symbolic of Grand National flat track motorcycle racing in America. Donny announced over 300 Grand Nationals using that voice that is somewhere between 50 grit sandpaper and a gravel pit. That voice was silenced earlier this month forever.