10-minute Mentor With Rich Perry

When SMART Goals Aren't Good Enough. You're Probably Missing this Key Element.



It's easy to set goals. People do it all the time. But do you know what people don't do all the time? They don't achieve those goals. Setting a SMART Goal is a great way to clearly state what you want to achieve but it doesn't ensure a successful outcome - at least not by itself. Something else is needed. This missing key element is extremely important, yet many times, completely overlooked. This episode was inspired by a recent coaching call with a client. Listen as I share how asking 2 very important questions made all the difference for my client and how you could use these same 2 critical quesions to completely transform your goal setting ability and become the high achiever you were meant to be.  *** Get the tools you need to become a Rockstar Influencer and make a big difference for yourself and in the world. YES - I Want More!