10-minute Mentor With Rich Perry

7 Ways to Commit Professional Suicide



It’s hard to imagine that any business owner or serious professional would want to commit professional suicide but it happens every day. This is the case with many newer, less experienced, or struggling entrepreneurs who desperately want to succeed. They were fooled into thinking that these practices are acceptable – BUT THEY ARE NOT! The worst part is that some of these practices are even being taught in programs. That means people are paying good money to learn very bad advice. This isn’t just my opinion. Over the last few months I’ve had the opportunity to speak with and interview many high-achieving leaders and we agreed that something must be done to teach better ways of doing business. Don’t fall victim to these 7 fatal business mistakes or you run the risk of committing professional suicide. In this episode you will learn how to: Avoid these 7 fatal business mistakesBe seen as a pro to knowMake sure your friends and clients don’t fall victim to these costly mistakes   Get the Tools You Need to Walk