10-minute Mentor With Rich Perry

Quit Hitting Yourself (Part 1 of 3 in Self-Talk Series)



Think of all the times you walk into a room and just start hitting yourself. Jab. Jab. Uppercut. Left hook. Right hook. BAM! Oh, you don’t do that? You don’t beat yourself up like it’s a nationally televised title fight. No, of course you don’t. Who does that? It’s not normal. You wouldn’t just hit yourself repeatedly and for no reason at all. Besides being sheer insanity, why would you punish or abuse yourself like that? It doesn’t make any sense at all. So if we wouldn’t physically abuse ourselves then why do we put ourselves through such mental and emotional hell with the words and thoughts we think? Each day we subject ourselves to immense negativity with statements and thoughts such as: “I can’t do this” “I’m not good enough” “I’m too ugly” “I’m too fat” “I’ll never be as successful as” “I’m such a failure” etc. These are statements we’d never, ever, say about someone else but we say them to and about ourselves all the time. Why do we do this? In this 3-PART SELF-TALK SERIES you will learn how t