Starseed Radio Academy

Conversations from Lavandar's Vault One



In a rare interview with Lavandar, she and Arielle talk about some of the most profound discoveries through her decades of work with the Pleiadeans.  She'll talk about many aspects of starseed missions, including information that she was given by the Pleiadeans, and knowledge that she gained by living through the demonstrations they orchestrated over the past 40 years.  This is one of the best interviews she's ever given, and even though we aired this the first time a few years ago, there is so much valuable information that it calls for another listen.  You can read more of her work in our Vault of Knowledge here: At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, bringing topics of interest to starseeds not heard in the mainstream! Our next Starseed Quest to Arkansas in May for Pleiadean Line Up is full at this point, but we're accepting stand by reservations for May 17-20.  Write to crystals at starseedhotline dot com for info.