Starseed Radio Academy

Infynite Gold Miracles: ORMUS and CBD



Jewels Dela Tierra  appeared on our show just over a month ago, and her Starseed Gateway Skincare products have impressed us so much that we invited her to come back to talk about her new formulas containing CBD.  In 2015, she experienced a visit from Dolores Cannon, directing her to take her QHHT class. What was landmark about this visit is, Dolores died in 2014 & Jewels didn't even know who she was! QHHT opened communication with Jewels' Soul family, The Council of Light; calling her to raise the frequency of humanity. Jewels began dreaming about things she did not understand. Through the synergy of connecting with others, these things revealed themselves to be ORMUS Elements, and Scalar Energy.  The need for a delivery system for people to receive these elements & frequencies, launched Jewels into the realms of developing an entire Organic/Natural skincare line. With the Guidance of The Council of Light, she infuses these products with frequencies of Divine & Galactic Intelligence.  The Infynit