Starseed Radio Academy

Sacred Messengers of Shamanic Africa author Carley Mattimore



It was predicted by indigenous tribes in Africa that when the White Lions return to their sacred lands in Timbavati we would be in a time of evolutionary and spiritual awakening. On Christmas Day in the year 2000, Marah the White Lion was born, the first “way-shower” to arrive and help us awaken to our divine origins, when we were one with all life in Zep Tepi, the land of first time. Our spiritual warrior selves are being summoned to heal the separation between us and nature, to be the change agents of heart, as we evolve to a higher consciousness. Exploring how to awaken to the energies and messengers of ancient Africa that reside along the 31st meridian, the spine of Mother Earth, Carley Mattimore and Linda Star Wolf take you on a journey to connect with our original roots in Africa, hidden deep within our DNA. They share shamanic journeys and teachings to connect with the strengths of Africa’s spirit animals, including the inner authority and heart of Lion, the loyalty and wisdom of Elephant, the love and