Business News Wales Podcasts

Ep 13 - Business Weekly From Business News Wales



In this week’s Podcast, we spoke a variety of business leaders across Wales including: Walter May, who speaks to us about the new Japanese City Hub recently opened by GlobalWelsh. Swansea City Council have found that 'Staycations' are providing a boost to Swansea's Economy, Robert Francis-Davies tells us more. We speak to Nick Stamenkovic about the latest NatWest data around Welsh Business Activity. Following a recent announcement of £30m in funding, Rhiannon Hardiman of Living Streets Symru talks to us about 'Active Travel' Aine Morris, Chief Exec of the Abergavenny Food Festival shares with us the line-up for this year's event. Hugh James' HQ, Two Central Square recently won at the BCO Regional Awards, Matthew Tossell tells us more. The DVLA were recently awarded as a FairPlay Employer by Chwarae Teg, to discuss the scheme we are joined by Alison Dacey. Sarah Ellwood of Supertemps and S2 talks to us about the Demand for Skilled Workers in North Wales. And finally, Annalisa O'Rourke of Memset discusses how a