No Regrets Podcast With Kate

Limiting Beliefs: Why They Are Important



In today's episode I talk about limiting beliefs, why they are important to recognize and give tips on releasing them.  We have negative or limiting beliefs buried deep within our subconscious. How does one develop limiting beliefs? There are four ways: On a Core Level: Beliefs, positive or negative, can be learned in our childhood years through adulthood from our parents, siblings, other family members and friends. On a Genetic Level: Beliefs can be carried with us from generation to generation through our genetics. On a History Level: We can carry beliefs into this lifetime from past lives. On a Soul Level: Our soul, our essence, has beliefs. By identifying and healing limiting beliefs, we open ourselves up to living our lives, not only to the fullest, but more importantly, true to ourselves. By healing our limiting beliefs, we can also heal physical manifestations and dis-ease within the body. Limiting beliefs are powerful!