No Regrets Podcast With Kate

What are we giving to the world? with Chris West



Chris was married and had a child before he could legally drink. His value system was based on chasing the materialistic dream and women who looked good on his arm. Until he lost everything.   Our conversation takes many turns and Chris shares a story of how our emotions create dis-ease in the body. Which I’m a firm believer of. Side note: He does not know I believe this, he mentioned this on his own when talking about how our thoughts create our reality. Which again, could not be more true. Easily admitting he carries a heavy burden of guilt, remorse and shame from his past, Chris also believes you cannot look back and you can drop the weight of those burdens anytime as long as you move forward, learning from the past.   Chris would like for us to ask ourselves, "What are we giving to the world?" All of us have something to give. Chris is candid about the lowest points in his life and how he's making a considerably more selfless and mindful transition to a new life. Listen to learn how he is turning his lif