Gig Mindset

When Work Goes From Fixed to Fluid



Are you an expert? What does that mean? Everything seems to be moving at the speed of light in today’s world, especially when it comes to the technology that makes it essential to work. Oftentimes, many professionals think that they’re experts in certain areas. In other words, people are generally poor judges of their own areas of expertise. According to Antony Brydon, efficiency in a given problem area is what makes someone an expert. Antony Brydon is the co-founder of Directly, which is a leader in CX automation, helping companies deliver better customer service at scale. This sits at the center of AI and the gig economy, essentially helping replace outsource call centers with global networks of experts that deliver better answers. In this episode, Antony discusses how utilizing real experts within a dynamic and fluid model will transform customer experiences. Specifically, Antony discusses what makes an expert, how to curate a pool of experts, and what role the marketplace plays in compensat