Lighted Paths Radio With Claire Papin

Geo Ivery Shares on the Soulstream Series & the Supernaturals from the Stories



Discover what the Soulstream is, and how we are all Supernaturals; as our guest Geo Ivery, shares his inspirational deep wisdom on this topic. He is an International Best Selling Sci Fi Fantasy author who lives in California. Raised in a military family he traveled the world and once wanted to be a scientist and the first artist astronaut. Being an avid reader and comic book collector, Geo went to school to produce his own series of comic book characters. His series touches on many topics from coming of age, social-political rhetoric, mythology and the parallels of fact and fiction. Challenging people to see within what we've forgotten, he shows that anyone can be powerful if they believe it. His books have sold over 1.2 million copies. Geo was not always the huge success story that is trending. He was homeless in his teens and learned to survive on the streets, but continued to attend school where he loved his art classes and art clubs, and later went on to attend art school. Geo went to Colorado where he wr