Lighted Paths Radio With Claire Papin

Our Purpose on Earth, Heaven, and the Afterlife



Have you ever wondered what happens when we pass on to the "other side"? Where do we go? Is there life after death? What is heaven like? Sarina Baptista's seven-year-old son, J.T., caught the flu and passed away in March 2007, she had many questions about Heaven. Why did he have to leave? Where is he now? Is this all there is? On a mission to find her son again, Sarina researched the afterlife from every angle. She knew her son was somewhere, but where? Six months after J.T.'s passing, Sarina discovered she was a medium. Through training and determination, she had found her son and could communicate with him! The stories he told of his experiences were beyond this world. He shared with her the secrets of Heaven and how to live a life of purpose on Earth. Please join us for this intriguing discussion on life, death, and why we are here!For more information about Sarina and her book "My View from Heaven," as told by J.T., visit To learn more about Lighted Paths Radio and Claire