Lighted Paths Radio With Claire Papin

The Sacred Process of Inner Work



Sacred inner work addresses a strong yearning that many of us have to awaken to a new level of consciously knowing ourselves. It can support us in raising our consciousness beyond our ordinary way of being in life and gain access to the more mysterious and awesome way of knowing ourselves, along with a sense of sacred purpose. Jaquelyn Small, LMSW, joins us to offer some insight as to how we can actually do this transformational inner work.  She has authored 10 books on personal transformation that include “Sacred Purpose of Being Human,” “Tranformers-The Therapists of the Future,” “Awakening in Time,” and the best-selling book for counseling-from-the-heart, “Becoming Naturally Therapeutic.” She holds degrees in human psychology, clinical social work and Applied Music, is the creator of Eupsychia, a non-profit educational institute that offers certification in Psychospiritual Integration and Integrative Breathwork, and has trained health professionals in the emerging field of spiriitual psychology. Her body o